This is the inner circle; access to some of the most exclusive craft beers out there, along with a regular supply of great fresh beer. With drikbeer monthly, you get:
- Between 6 to 10 beers delivered to you per month, at the start of each month. The boxes will include a comprehensive selection of all beer styles from our great portfolio of breweries
- Early access to exclusive sales
Membership costs 500 DKK per month + shipping and handling. This amount will automatically be withdrawn from your credit card in the beginning of each month, when we ship the orders out.
Your first payment is made up front.
Exclusive early access:
Over the last 10+ years, we have been building a cellar of some of the greatest beers available. We're excited to periodically (weekly/ monthly) release to you:
- lambic - fresh and vintage, from Cantillon and 3 Fonteinen
- big American stouts and sours from some of the best rated breweries in the world
- sought after fresh releases from the best breweries in America and Europe, such as the incredibly innovative Evil Twin Brewing NYC, Equilibrium Brewery, etc.
As a member of drikbeer monthly, you will have early access to these releases, and it is the best way to make sure you don't miss out!
If you have any questions, please get in touch: info@drikbeer.com
Cannot be purchased along with other products or shipped with other orders.